The Battle in the Wilderness was one of a handful of battles that was extraordinary. There is many reasons for this. Let me lay out the whole battle and you will learn why.

         This battle occured on the dates of May 5-7 in 1864.  This battle took place in Spotsylvania County (Virginia) in a dense forest (Battle in then Wilderness)

 One of the principle commanders for the United States were Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.He was a major commander and commanded many of the battles in this war. He did great things in his lifetime, including becoming 18th president of the united states.(1869-1877) He is a hero to many and a role model for military personnel. One of his nick- names was "Hero of Appomattox", because of his outstanding abilities to fight in the most gruesome battle of the Civil War.

 The confederates commander was Gen. Robert E. Lee.Robert E. Lee was also a very good leader. He too served in many battles, and won a few. He did not ever make it to presidency, but he was still a very good man, and he did very much for the Confederates, even though they lost the war.

The war stratagies for the war were very important. Each side (confederates and Unions) had its own war stratagie. A strategy is a war plan. The confederate's strategey was called the King Cotton Diplomacy. This was were they would sell the ever so needed cotton to England and other courties in return for war supplies. The Union's strategy was called the Anaconda plan. This was where they would try to "squeeze" the COnfederates of supplies and even themselves.

On the morning of May 5th, 1864 Union V corps attacked Confederate Ewells Corps on Orange Turnpikes. Later on that afternoon Confederate A.P. Corps faced the Union Gettys corps division (VI corps) and Union Hancocks II corps on the Plank Road. This fraction of the battle lasted until darkness and was incoclusive as the confederates and unions tried to menuever the dense woods. On the second day of the battle (May 6, 1864) Troops were up at dawn to defend their countries again. The day started out with Union Hancock II corps attacking Confederate Hills corps on the plank road forcing Hills corps to retreat. Later on that day, around noon, a devestating confederate flank attack broke out in Hamilton thicket. This was started because Confederate Gen. Longstreet was wounded by his own men. Some may say that the battle ended there, but it technically continued on to the 7th as Gen. Grant kept the campaighn going. On the 7th federals advanced left flank towards the crossroads of the Spotsyvania courthouse. At the courthouse, there was a bloody hand- to- hand combat.

When the battle was over, there was a total estimate of 18,400 out of 101,895 troops killed on U.S. side; and 11,400 out of 61,025 troops killed for C.S.. Of these deaths were 5 Generals. U.S. generals Wadsworth and Hays lost their lives and C.S. generals Jones, Jenkins, and Stafford also perished. There was no victor. There was a draw made which means there could be no victor.

         Confederate General Robert E Lee

        Union General Ulysses S. Grant 

      Civil War Confederate Flag   

                  Civil War Union Flag    

       Battle map of Battle in the Wilderness 

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