Battle of Rich Mountain

The Battle of Rich Mountain is a battle that was fought in West Virginia on July 11-13 1861. Early in 1861 the Confederates tried to occupy the country south of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway of Virginia. Gen. McClennan, commander of the Union foces, led his divisions south of Clarkesburg against Lt. Col. Pegram's troops. Gen. McClennan reached rich mountain on July 09 1861. Meanwhile Gen. Morris's brigade marched from Philipi to comfront Gen. Garnett's troops at Lauren Hill. On the 11th of July Gen. Rosecrans led reinforcements down a mountain path to sieze Stauntan-Parkersburg Turnpike behind Pegrams rear. A bloody two hour fight ensued in which the confederates were split in two. this tratagie was in favor of the Union. Most know it as "The Anaconda Plan" This war stratagy got its name because it squeezes the confederates just like an Anaconda would its prey. Half of the confederates escaped to Beverly and on to the Shawnee trail. Pegram and the others soon surrendered at Hampden Sydney College on July 13 1861. During the fighting at Corricks Ford, Gen. Garrett was killed. The Union claim Victory for this war. The Union lost a mere 46 men while the confederates lost about 300! This shows how well the Anaconda Plan works.

                                            Confederat uniform 

                                                Union Uniforms 

                        Union Flag              Confederate Flag 

                  Above is Gen. McClellan (Union Commander)

                      Above is Gen. Pegram (Confederate Commander)

                                                         Combat map of Rich Mountain 

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